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Library Renovation Minutes 03/19/2008
MARCH 19, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:30PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Community Room at the Avon Public Library.  Members Present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Tad Kuziak, Janet Stokesbury, Barbara Leonard, Diane Carney, and Scott Boos.  Absent: None.  Also in attendance were Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant to the Town Manager Blythe Robinson and Architect Peter Wells.  

Diane Hornaday suggested corrections be made from "Southbury" to "communities" fundraising efforts rather than naming a community in particular.  She motioned for minutes to stand with corrections, none seconded, all agreed.  

Ms. Hornaday also reminded members that they need to be prepared for their presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission's May 13, 2008 meeting.  The Planning and Zoning Commission's regular meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month.  She also said to mark calendars for the Town Council's July 10th, 2008 meeting (changed from the 3rd).


Janet Stokesbury and Barbara Leonard told of their visits to the West Hartford and Hartford Libraries.  Both were very impressed with Hartford's layout, its increase in attendance, and the community activities that are held there.  Virginia would like a screen displaying information like the one at the West Hartford Library.  Janet encouraged these visits to get ideas of what the committee would like or dislike.  Diane Carney asked to be contacted by other committee members when plans were made for these visits so to include all who would be interested.

David Goldsholl was concerned with what recourse the committee would have if the Town Council rejected their plans for the project.  Peter Wells said that if the design needed to be redone we would incur significant costs since it is not usually a simple process to eliminate parts of the building to accommodate a lower budget.  Diane Hornaday wanted to re-iterate again to have ideas set and the budget firmed up before presenting it to the public.  She believes that the Town Council is well aware of the scope of the project.  The Council anticipates a project cost of $7.5 million and the grant could subtract $1 million off that figure.

Ms. Hornaday emphasized that the committee needs to present a strong case in this current economic climate.  Mr. Goldsholl said fundraising efforts couldn't begin until after the referendum passed.  

Virginia is looking into the per square foot cost of previous Library projects for comparison purposes.

Diane Hornaday was concerned with private persons using public space to conduct business.  Virginia said tutors and other persons do use the library space but that they cannot reserve it.  Diane is concerned about public opinion and for the members to keep this in mind.  

Peter Wells brought several storyboards to display his design concepts.  He broke up library "usage" or "building program" into shapes to be linked into possible layout configurations.  He wanted to design the first floor to be approximately 21,000 square feet which with parking and driveways would keep it within Planning and Zoning's requirement of no more than 35% of land covered by impervious structure.  Blythe gave an overview of what steps would be involved in order to apply for a waiver to exceed this, but suggested we try to stay within their limits.  Parking capacity could increase to 125 spaces.  

Peter presented four different design layouts.  Ideas included a basement community room, a side book drop off, an opening to Sunnybrook Drive, or keeping the facade and duplicating it to add square footage.  Problems included relocating or adding an elevator with more maintenance costs, the need for more staffing in new areas, first floor square footage overrun, reduction in parking spaces, moving the circulation desk location, loss of usable space on the second floor, lighting areas, etc.  Peter said the location of the entrance drives the plan, without it nothing else will work.  He said libraries are built from the "inside out."

Blythe raised the question that what if the library could not find an alternate location during the project.  Virginia said they'd need approximately 10-12,000 sf. to operate.  Peter suggested closing during the renovation if space couldn't be secured.  Mr. Goldsholl reminded that we won't need the space until the end of 2009.  

Peter will design interior flexibility so as needs change so could the interior layout.  The Library will end up being approximately 40,000 square feet.  The Library originally opened in 1982 when the town's population was about 11,201. Currently the Town's population is 17,500, projected to add another 3,000 more as the town is built out.  Virginia said the library has enormous goodwill in town with programs for infants to senior citizens.  

Peter reminded the committee that the plan must work before we go for the grant.  He asked Blythe to get the environmental study underway.  Diane Hornaday thinks Peter's ideas are a good start and to give more details at the next meeting.  The next building committee meeting will be in the History Room at the Library April 2nd at 6:30PM.  The meetings are to be held the first and third Wednesdays of the month thereafter.

Ms. Vocelli called the adjacent neighbors to discuss the project.  She will hold a meeting with them in the spring, to be announced.  Mr. Wells suggested two meetings with the neighbors: one to hear their concerns and the other to answer them.  

Diane Carney motioned for adjournment, Tad Kuziak seconded, all agreed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:20PM.  

Recorded by:                                                    
                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                David Goldsholl, Committee Secretary